Section: Dissemination



  • A. Kibangou

    DUT: Mathematics, 20h, Licence 2, IUT 1 (GEII 1), University Joseph Fourrier, France.

    DUT: Automatic Control, 46h, Licence 2, IUT 1 (GEII 1), University Joseph Fourrier, France.

    He is in charge of the Automatic control Lab of the GEII 1 department at IUT 1 of Grenoble.

  • A. Seuret

    MASTER: Automatic Control, 40h, MASTER 1 and 2, Grenoble INP, France.

    He organizes the 32th International Summer School of GIPSA-Lab on Automatic Control, September, 12-16, 2011, Grenoble, France.

    The Summer School was on Robust Control and Linear Parameter Varying approaches: Application to vehicles dynamics, with the scientific direction of O. Sename (Grenoble INP), see http://www.gipsa-lab.inpg.fr/summerschool/auto2011/ .

  • H. Fourati

    DUT: Informatique Indutrielle, 24h, Licence 1, IUT 1 (GEII2), University Joseph Fourrier, France.

    DUT: Automatismes industriels et réseaux : réseaux, 90h, Licence 1 et 2, IUT 1 (GEII2), University Joseph Fourrier, France.


  • Alireza Esna Ashari Esfahani, (INRIA, chaire Schneider, Nov. 2011 - Oct. 2012), co-advised by F. Garin and A. Kibangou.

  • Alireza Farhadi, (INRIA, Aravis project, Jan. 2010 - Aug. 2011), advised by C. Canudas de Wit.

  • Sylvain Durand, (INRIA, ARAVIS project/CRI PILSI, Jan. 2011 - Dec. 2011), advised by N. Marchand.

PhD students in progress:
  • Patrick Jocelyn Andrianiaina, Robust control under weakend realtime constraints, Grenoble INP, Avr. 2009 - Mar. 2012, co-advised by D. Simon and A. Seuret.

  • Abir Ben Khaled, Distributed real time simulation of numerical models: application to powertrain, Grenoble INP, Jan. 2011 - Dec. 2013, co-advised by D. Simon and M. Ben Gaid (Institut Française de Pétrole Energies Nouvelles).

  • Gabriel Rodrigues de Campos, Systèmes coopérants à travers un réseau de communication sans fil, Grenoble INP, Oct. 2009 - Sep. 2012, co-advised by A. Seuret and C. Canudas de Wit.

  • Dominik Pisarski, Collaborative Ramp Metering Control: Application to Grenoble South Ring, UJF, Jun. 2011 - May. 2014, advised by C. Canudas de Wit.

  • Luc Malrait, Experience with ConSer: a performance analysis based on dynamical systems on chip, Grenoble INP, Oct.  2007 - Dec. 2011, co-advised by N. Marchand and S. Bouchenak (Sardes ).

  • Nicolas Cardoso de Castro, Energy-aware communication and control co-design for networked control systems, Grenoble INP, Mar. 2009 - Feb. 2012, advised by C. Canudas de Wit and since Sept. 2010 co-advised by F. Garin.

  • Luis Leon Ojeda, Macroscopic modelling, travel demand and flow prediction for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Grenoble INP, Avr. 2011 - Mar. 2014, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit and A. Kibangou.

  • Ruggero Fabbiano, Collaborative source seeking control, Grenoble INP, Dec. 2011 - Nov. 2014, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit and F. Garin.

  • Valentina Ciarla, Commande d’un système de puissance électrique pour personne âgée et/ou handicapée, Grenoble INP, Dec. 2010 - Nov. 2013, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit, Franck Quaine (UJF) and Violaine Cahouet (UJF).

  • Wenjie Lu, Variable Speed Limit Control for Highways, Grenoble INP, Sep. 2011 - Aug. 2014, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit and A. Ferrara (University of Pavia).

  • Riccardo Ceccarelli, The development of a model-based observer for the identification of several types of engine failures, Grenoble INP, Oct. 2007 - Dec. 2011, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit and P. Moulin (IFP Energies Nouvelles).

PhD defended:
  • Sylvain Durand, Reduction of the energy consumption in embedded electronic devices with low control computational cost [12] , Grenoble INP, 17/01/2011, co-advised by N. Marchand and D. Simon.

  • Lara Briñón-Arranz, Commande coopérative d'une flottille de véhicules sous-marins avec contraints de communication [11] , Grenoble INP, 18/11/2011, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit and A. Seuret.

  • Emilie Roche, Commande à échantillonnage variable pour les systèmes LPV : application à un sous-marin autonome [13] , Grenoble INP, 18/10/2011, co-advised by O. Sename and D. Simon.

Master students:
  • Wenjie Lu, Balancing control for Discrete PDEs in conservation systems, GIPSA-LAB, Apr.-Jun. 2011, advised by C. Canudas de Wit.

  • Samir Hachour, Fault detection and isolation in a solar power-plant, ENSISA/GIPSA-LAB, Feb.-Aug. 2011, co-advised by A. Kibangou and F. Garin.

  • Eric Davit, Quadrotor control, GIPSA-LAB, Feb.-Jun. 2011, co-advised by A. Seuret and L. Briñón Arranz.

  • Yijing Chen, Traffic control, GIPSA-LAB, Apr.-Jun. 2011, advised by C. Canudas de Wit.

  • Nassim Mokrani, Asynchronous control for complex systems, GIPSA-LAB, Feb.-Jun. 2011,co- advised by A. Seuret and D. Simon.

Bachelor students:
  • Guillaume Gay, Traffic control, GIPSA-LAB, Feb.-May. 2011, advised by C. Canudas de Wit.

  • Pierre Gault, Traffic control, GIPSA-LAB, Feb.-May. 2011, avised by C. Canudas de Wit.

  • Kevin Planchet, Orccad developement, ENSIMAG, Jun.-Sept. 2011, advised by D. Simon.

  • Matthew Fitch, Energy-aware sensors, INRIA/Cambridge University, Jul. 2011, co-advised by N. Cardoso de Castro and F. Garin.